Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The social system at school is whack


I don't know what to say. There are many types of people some are nice some are rude some are plain annoying, but there are people so annoying that you have to wonder what is going on in these guys brains. Decency is a first, What is decent and what is not. Let me ask you is it decent to bring "that" to a school full of children, who don't know what that is and a handful who do. You can't go around flinging that and playing around with it in a learning institution, it's just not decent to bring that out at school.
(I don't even know how he got that but all I know is you can't buy that at anystore until you're 18)
Respect, people are born without this, but some are quickly learn the gist of it. We are the same in status, you're a human I'm a human, but there are times when people look at another human and tell to the selves I am worth more him or her. I don't get why people put themselves higher than what they are nor do I understand why people underestimate themselves. People are so easy to subdue like a simple embarrassing thing is enough to knock your entire reputation. If your reputation is legit, it wont fall that easily.

We were all born as equals none higher, none lower. I am human and so are you.

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