Saturday, July 11, 2015

WARCRAFT 4 I needs it.


Feels good to be back. So some of you may not know this but Warcraft 3 is a good game. OK to clarify WoW is different that is an MMORPG Warcraft's 1,2,and3 are real-time strategies. Get it straight. It was also made by Blizzard the same company that got you Diablo and the great Starcraft. Warcraft is sorta outdated but there are people who are keeping the game alive from mods to different maps.

The most popular thing that spawned out of Warcraft was the ever popular DOTA.
Defense of the Ancients, was very irritatingly confused with Warcraft. Let me explain it doesn't mean they use the same resources they are the same DOTA is a map or mod. Warcraft is the main thing it came from. Everytime my cousins looked at it they said. Hey thats DOTA right? And I'm left o just say yes but after that they begin to ask why is this and  that here and that not there. It was pure madness. It's really a good game and many people are still playing it.

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