So we went home, satisfied by what we had done. Now this is where it gets interesting, From part one, I already summarized what happened, now I'll explain in detail. I woke up, smelling the eggs my mom had cooked. I got up, but my device rang, it was somebody from the other group. I was like, "Ahhh shit.", pretty mature,right? She now begins to question me about the "plan", I was perplexed at first and then it hit me, it was what we did last night. So when I told her what we did she lays silent, the next thing I heard was that I was in a group chat with several other members. The only thing going through my mind now was, "Just explain to them what happened and go on your merry way.",did not go that way. I looked at the members of the group chat and I laughed, It was about 5 of them talking and only 2 of us, what? Shouldn't it have been by equal members, maybe leader to leader or 2 on 2? No they decided to bring everyone into the mix. Let me clarify first as it seems I have forgotten something, We were recording while we made the project, I was the one being recorded and the other were making the project. So, I said everything that I knew about what had happened last night, I said that there were only 16 flaglets made, enough for our group. Then one of them suddenly burst out claiming what we did was wrong, What?! We followed the instructions to the letter, it was on a long bond paper, back to back, and on a 2 feet high stick. Now they fuckin, sorry for the language, say that it needs to be of the same source. That wasn't part of the instructions, so now our leader turns up and says a "option" on how we could resolve this, I don't know how it turned up, since I was already fed up with them. We did not hear of the whole same source shit. Now judging from my leaders message to me from this encounter he was also fed up. Now begs the question, we, who prepared for this, must now abandon what we have done up to this point and make anew for the ones who did not alert us of this new "same source" shit(if it is true), is it fair, the one that was prepared and succeeded in the project, must be dragged down to do the same thing again letting our effort go to waste. Not fair is it?
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