Contrary to unpopular belief I was actually more cheerful in the younger years, but then everything changed when high-school attacked, I have had no luck through these years and I am still counting, considering there are at least three more years of this. Some say life begins anew at high-school, it was true and not in a good way. I now have to pretend to be friendly to people I barely know, though some of them are fine, I can list a multitude. Don't be fooled on how I act towards people I seem fine with, someday I'm gonna be laughing at their misfortune even if its half-way across the continent. I'm fine with people who have respect for their work and respect to others, but it seems there's a "shortage" of them around. You have nothing to fear if you think you fit the description. To the guys who read this and know who I am,I need to let off some steam and so far this blog has been a perfect way let it off, for the record I only act like this because this is what makes me survive, having to deal with testosterone-fueled jocks and pure utter lack of determination to even have the most simple of values: respect. I have been understanding to your "problems", problems that cannot be avoided or be truly fixed, all I can do is understand the situation, feel on what it feels like and sympathize. Bear in mind that I also have a fuse, though it seems I am irritable at first, I have a very long fuse, and it's almost to the point of no return. High-school is a necessary step in education and a special time in a person's life, so please consider my advice, you are not special in anyway that would make you above everyone else.
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